
8月26日(日)新宿ゴールデン街納涼感謝祭 2018 より [イベント]

恒例の『新宿ゴールデン街 納涼感謝祭』。毎年8月、最後の日曜日に開催されてます。



【新宿ゴールデン街 納涼感謝祭2018】

"Welcome to Shinjuku’s Golden Gai District."
An area wrapped in the genuine atmosphere of Japan’s Showa period, where you can tip back a glass and pass your time in pleasant leisure until morning ?

This is Block 1 of Kabuki-cho 1-chome, a tiny area roughly 50 meters square located adjacent to Hanazono Shrine.
This area got its start when, after the war, the black market located at the eastern entrance to Shinjuku Station was demolished, and the people who lived there moved here.
Many of the shops lining the streets here were illegal brothels that nominally were eating or drinking establishments, and this area was known at the time as “Aosen” (Blue Line).
After the Anti-Prostitution Law entered into force (1958), the district metamorphosed into an area of drinking establishments, and came to be called “Golden Gai.”
The district repeatedly found itself at the mercy of the times, and on several occasions it almost disappeared, but those who loved the district protected it, and today it lives on as a place that exudes the atmosphere of the good old days of the Showa period.

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