
5月27日(日)花園神社例大祭 宮神輿巡幸より~Hanazono Shrine Annual Grand Festival [祭]

平成30年5月27日(日)花園神社例大祭 宮神輿巡幸より

本年は25日(金)宵宮祭 26日(土)大祭式及び氏子町内神輿渡御、27日(日)神幸祭、宮神輿巡幸及び氏子町内神輿渡御、28日(月)後宴祭という日程でした。今回は表年ということで、獅子頭や島田囃子を乗せた山車を先頭に、本社神輿と雷電神輿の二基の宮神輿巡幸が執り行われ、靖国通り、新宿通り、明治通りを練り歩きました。また、境内に100軒からの露店がでるというのも花園神社のお祭りの特徴です。今時、的屋のいる祭りも少なくなってきましたが、花園神社では秋の酉の市とともにこの賑わいもどこか懐かしく来街者に人気のようです。

Hanazono Shrine Annual Grand Festival 2018/5/27

The highlight of the Annual Grand Festival at Hanazono Shrine in Shinjuku has to be in even-numbered years, when the two portable shrines, the Honsha Mikoshi and the Raiden Mikoshi (owned by the affiliated Raiden Inari Shrine), are taken out and paraded through the streets.The Annual Grand Festival at Hanazono Shrine is held on the Saturday, Sunday and Monday nearest to the 28th of May every year. In even-numbered years, the Honsha Mikoshi and Raiden Mikoshi are brought out in a parade, and led by carts carrying lion’s head dancers and traditional Shimada Hayashi musicians, are carried from the shrine to Yasukuni-dori, Shinjuku-dori, and Meiji-dori.
In odd-numbered years, the mikoshi of eight local towns gather for a joint parade.
Along with the Tori no Ichi Festival held in November, this festival at Hanazono Shrine is the most popular among the various shrines in Shinjuku.
This can probably also be attributed to the distinctive charm of this festival.
In the present-day Kabukicho, most of the 1-chome area is the former Tsunohazu, and so is under the protection of the Kumano shrine (which has its Annual Grand Festival in the autumn); the 2-chome area was once Nishi-Okubo, and so is associated with the Kio Shrine (which has its Annual Grand Festival in the autumn); and Kabukicho 1-1, in other words the area around Golden-gai Street, was once known as Sanko-cho and is under the protection of Hanazono Shrine.Each shrine has its own distinctive features, its own festival, and each one is part of the colorful charm of Shinjuku and Kabukicho.

2018/5/27 三光町神輿渡御随行~宮神輿巡幸随行、宮入まで

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