新宿・花園神社例大祭 令和6年5月26日(日)神幸祭渡御より~コロナ禍を挟み6年ぶりの本社・雷電神輿巡行敢行! [祭]
本年は24日(金)宵宮祭 25日(土)大祭、26日(日)神幸祭、宮神輿巡幸及び氏子町内神輿渡御、27日(月)後宴祭という日程でした。また、境内に100軒からの露店がでるというのも花園神社のお祭りの特徴です。今時、的屋のいる祭りも少なくなってきましたが、花園神社では秋の酉の市とともにこの賑わいもどこか懐かしく来街者に人気のようです。
The sacred place of Shinjuku Hanazono shrine(5-17-3 Shinjuku)
The Birth of Naitoh Shinjuku
Shinjuku used to be called “Naitoh Shinjuku”, or “Tsuibun Shinjuku” which means “the new accommodation area built in front of the property of Naitoh mansion”.
The time when Naitoh bestowed Shinjuku,the area was quiet, and despite being right on the main street, had no hotels. At the time, the area with hotels was Takaido, about 10 miles away from Shinjuku.
This was inconvenient for people, so Kihei Takamatsu (headman of Abekawa town, Asakusa) applied to establish hotels on Naitoh family’s property in exchange for government payments in 1698. That is why it used to be called “Naitoh Shinjuku”.
Hanazono shrine,the land of blooming culture.
Back in the day Hanazono shrine was supposed to be a big village shrine, and many people would visit for the sake of their religious faith. When it needed a restoration due to the big fires in 1780 and 1811, they added a stage for plays and dance shows. This was the beginning of the performing arts culture of Hanazono shrine.
After World WarⅡ, the town where Koshu Kaido and Oume Kaido cross became a place of energetic spirits.
In Japan, the origin of the entertainment business is said to have come from the shrines. Hanazono shrine is not an exception.
撮・記: 寺谷 公一 (Kouichi Teratani)
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